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Czajnik AKAI AKG-804

Instrukcja obsługi Czajnik AKAI AKG-804

(EN) user manual
(PL) instrukcja obsługi
(HU) használati kézikönyv
(RO) Instrucţiuni de utilizare
(GR) οδηγίες χρήσεως
(CZ) Příručka uživatele
(SK) Príručka použivatel´a
1. Read all instructions before using.
2. Before connecting the kettle to the power supply, check that the voltage indicated on the
appliance (underside the kettle & base) corresponds with the voltage in your home. If this is not the
case, contact your dealer and do not use the kettle.
3. The attached base cannot be used for other than intended use.
4. Do not operate the appliance without load to avoid damaging the heat elements.
5. Unplug from the outlet when not in use.
6. Do not let the cord hang over edge of table counter or touch hot surface.
7. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
8. Should you accidentally allow the kettle to operate without water, the boil-dry protection will
automatically switch it off. If this should occur, allow the kettle to cool before filling with cold water and
9. Ensure that kettle is used on a firm and flat surface where the children can’t touch, this can prevent
from overturning the kettle to damage the person or kettle.
10. To protect against a fire, electric shock or personal injury, do not immerse cord, electric plugs or
kettle in water or other liquids.
11. Always take care to pour boiling water slowly and carefully without tipping the kettle too fast.
12. Be careful when opening the lid for refilling when the kettle is hot.
13. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.
14. Do not touch the hot surface. Use the handle or the button.
15. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot water.
16. The appliance is not a toy. Do not let the children play it.
17. The use of attachments that are not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may result in fire,
electric shock or personal injury.
18. While boiling water, avoid to contacting steam from the spout when water is boiling or just after it
has switched off. Do not be anxious to uncover the lid.
19. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning; Allow it to cool before putting on or taking
off parts and before cleaning the appliance.
20. Always ensure the lid is closed and do not lift it while the water is boiling. Scalding may occur if the
lid is removed during the brewing cycles.
21. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a
similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
22. Do not use the appliance for other than intended use.
23. Do not move the unit while the kettle is switched on.
24. The kettle can only use with the stand provided.
25. If the kettle is overfilled, boiling water may be ejected.
26. Do not use the kettle outdoors.
27. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above if they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and if they understand the
hazards involved. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children unless they are older
than 8 and supervised. Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children aged less than 8 years.
28. Children shall not play with the appliance.
29. Appliances can be used by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.
30. This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:
Staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;
Farm houses;
By clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
Bed and breakfast type environments.
31. Save these instructions.
32. This appliance has been incorporated with a grounded plug. Please ensure the wall outlet in your
house is well earthed.
WARNING: During the boiling process and when pouring out hot water, the lid must be kept closed at all
33.The kettle is only to be used with the stand provided.
34.CAUTION: Ensure that the kettle is switched off before removing it from its stand.
35.The appliance must not be immersed.
36.If symbol IEC 60417-5041 is marked on the appliance, the instruction shall state that surfaces are
liable to get hot during use.
If you are using the kettle for the first time, it is recommended that you should clean your kettle before
use by boiling a full kettle of water twice and then discarding the water. Wipe the surface with a damp
NOTE: the max capacity of kettle is 1.7L.
1. To fill the kettle, remove it from the power base and open lid by pressing open lid button, fill with the
desired amount of water, and then close the lid. Alternatively, the kettle may be filled through the spout.
The water level should not exceed max marks or sit below min level. Too little water will result in the
kettle switching off before the water has boiled.
NOTE: Do not fill the water over the maximum level, as water may spill out of the spout when boiling.
Ensure that the lid is firmly in place before plugging the power outlet.
2. Position the kettle on the power base.
3. Connect the plug into a power outlet. Press up the switch, the indicator will light up. Then start to boil
the water, the kettle will switch off automatically once the water has boiled. You can shut off the power
by turning off the switch at any moment during boiling water. If you want to boil water again, only turn on
the switch directly to restart the kettle.
NOTE: Ensure that switch is free of obstructions and the lid is firmly closed, the kettle will not turn off if
the switch is constrained or if the lid is opening.
4. Lift the kettle from the power base and then pour the water.
NOTE: operate carefully when pouring the water from your kettle as boiling water may result in scald,
besides, don’t open the lid while the water in the kettle is hot.
5. The kettle will not re-boil until the switch is pressed again. The kettle may be stored on the power
base when not in use.
Should you accidentally let the kettle operate without water, the boil-dry protection will automatically
switch off the power. If this occurs, allow the kettle to cool before filling with cold water before re-boiling.
Always disconnect the appliance from the power outlet before cleaning.
1. Never immerse the kettle, power cord or power base in water, or allow moisture to contact with these
2. Wipe the appearance of body with a damp cloth or cleaner, never use a poisonous cleaner.
3. Remember to clean the filter at intervals. For easier cleaning, detach the filter by press it directly, and
then replace it after cleaning.
CAUTION: Do not use chemical, steel, wooden or abrasive cleaners to clean the outside of the kettle to
prevent the gloss loss.
Your kettle should be periodically descaled as the mineral deposits in tap water may form scale on the
bottom of kettle so as to cause the operation less efficiency. You can use the commercially available
descaler and follow the instructions on the package of descaler. Alternatively, you may follow below
instructions using the white vinegar.
1. Fill the kettle with 3 cups of white vinegar, then adding water to the amount so as to cover the bottom
of kettle completely. Leave the solution in the kettle overnight.
2. Then discard the mixture in the kettle, then filling the kettle with clean water, boiling and then discard
the water. Repeat several times until the odor of vinegar has been flushes away. Any stains remaining
inside the spout can be removed by rubbing with a damp cloth.
Correct Disposal of this product
To protect your environment: please separate carton boxes and plastic bags
and dispose them in corresponding waste bins. Used appliance should be
delivered to the dedicated collecting points due to hazardous components,
which may affect the environment. Do not dispose this appliance in the
common waste bin.
Technical specifications:
220-240V~, 50/60Hz or 50-60Hz,
1850 -2200W
Device is compliant with EU directives:
-Low voltage directive (LVD)
-Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
-Device marked CE mark on rating label
Cutia produsului contine:
-Manual de utilizare;
-Certificat de garantie
Înainte de utilizare, citiţi acest manual cu atenţie şi păstraţi-l pentru a-l consulta ulterior
Înainte de a utiliza aparate electrocasnice electrice, respectaţi întotdeauna următoarele măsuri de
precauţie de bază:
1. Citiţi toate instrucţiunile.
2. Înainte de utilizare, verificaţi dacă tensiunea prizei de perete corespunde cu tensiunea marcată
pe plăcuţa cu caracteristici.
3. Nu operaţi aparatul dacă prezintă un cablu sau ştecher deteriorat sau dacă acesta nu
funcţionează corespunzător sau dacă este avariat în orice fel.
4. În cazul în care cablul de alimentare este deteriorat, acesta trebuie înlocuit de producător sau
de service-ul autorizat al producatorului pentru a evita electrocutarea
5. Nu saţi cablul atârne peste marginea mesei sau să atingă suprafeţe fierbinţi.
6. Nu introduceţi cablul de alimentare sau corpul fierbatorului în apă întrucât puteţi
7. Nu atingeţi suprafaţa fierbinte. Utilizaţi numai mânerul sau butonul.
8. Când aparatul este utilizat în apropierea copiilor sau a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, trebuie
să-i supravegheaţi îndeaproape. Asigurati-va ca fierbatorul de apa este asezat pe o suprafata
plana si ca nu exista riscul rasturnarii lui in timpul utilizarii.
9. Nu aşezaţi aparatul pe sau în apropierea unei plite sau cuptor încălzit sau a oricarei alte surse
de caldura.
10. In timpul utilizarii fierbatorului de apa evitati contactul cu vaporii de apa generate existand
pericolul de accidentare grava.
11. Aveti grija in momentul in care turnati apa fierbinte din aparat astfel incat sa evitati riscul unei
12. Acordati maxima atentie la realimentarea cu apa atunci cand fierbatorul de apa este fierbinte.
13. Nu introduceti degetele in fierbator in timpul utilizarii acestuia sau atunci cand apa este
fierbinte, exista riscul unei accidentari grave.
14. Folosirea de accesorii care nu sunt recomandate sau vandute de catre producator pot cauza
incendiu, soc electric sau ranire.
15. Nu utilizaţi aparatul în alte scopuri decât cele prevăzute.
16. Acordati maxima atentie in momentul in care miscati carafa fierbatorului in timp ce aceasta
contine lichid fierbinte.
17. In timpul functionarii aparatului nu introduceti mainile in vasul acestuia, pentru a evita leziuni
grave. Asigurati-va ca in vasul aparatului nu exista ustensile ce pot provoca pagube aparatului.
18. Acest aparat nu trebuie utilizat de persoane (inclusiv copii) cu capacităţi fizice, senzoriale sau
mentale reduse sau care nu dispun de suficientă experienţă sau cunoştinţe, cu excepţia cazului
în care sunt supravegheate sau instruite cu privire la utilizarea aparatelor de către o persoană
responsabi cu siguranţa acestora.
19. Copiii trebuie supravegheaţi pentru a nu se juca cu aparatul.
20. Nu utilizaţi aparatul în aer liber.
21. Fierbatorul functioneaza doar cu suportul baza livrat in cutie.
22. In cazul in care ati introdus apa peste limita maxima indicata in momentul fierbarii exista riscul ca
apa sa curga in exteriorul fierbatorului si sa va genereze leziuni.
23. Păstraţi aceste instrucţiuni.

Właściciel serwisu: TERG S.A. Ul. Za Dworcem 1D, 77-400 Złotów; Spółka wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000427063, Kapitał zakładowy: 40 618 750 zł; NIP 767-10-04-218, REGON 570217011; numer rejestrowy BDO: 000135672. Sprzedaż dla firm (B2B): dlabiznesu@me.pl INFOLINIA: 756 756 756