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Pralko-suszarka INDESIT IWDE 7105 B EU

Instrukcja obsługi Pralko-suszarka INDESIT IWDE 7105 B EU

! This symbol reminds you to read this in-
struction manual.
Installation, 2-3
Unpacking and levelling
Connecting the electricity and water supplies
The first wash cycle
Technical data
Care and maintenance, 4
Cutting off the water or electricity supply
Cleaning the Washer-dryer
Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer
Caring for the door and drum of your appliance
Cleaning the pump
Checking the water inlet hose
Precautions and tips, 5
General safety
Description of the Washer-dryer, 6-7
Control panel
How to run a wash cycle or a drying cycle, 8
Wash cycles and options, 9
Table of wash cycles
Wash options
Detergents and laundry, 10
Detergent dispenser drawer
Preparing the laundry
Special wash cycles
Load balancing system
Troubleshooting, 11
Service, 12
IWDE 7105
Instructions for use
Українська,37 Türkçe,49
! This instruction manual should be kept in a safe
place for future reference. If the washing machine
is sold, transferred or moved, make sure that the
instruction manual remains with the machine so
that the new owner is able to familiarise himself/
herself with its operation and features.
! Read these instructions carefully: they contain
vital information relating to the safe installation
and operation of the appliance.
Unpacking and levelling
1. Remove the washing machine from its packaging.
2. Make sure that the washing machine has not
been damaged during the transportation process.
If it has been damaged, contact the retailer and do
not proceed any further with the installation process.
3. Remove the 4 pro-
tective screws (used
during transportation)
and the rubber washer
with the corresponding
spacer, located on the
rear part of the applian-
ce (see figure).
4. Close off the holes using the plastic plugs
5. Keep all the parts in a safe place: you will need
them again if the washing machine needs to be
moved to another location.
! Packaging materials should not be used as
toys for children.
1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy
floor, without resting it up against walls, furniture
cabinets or anything else.
2. If the floor is not per-
fectly level, compensa-
te for any unevenness
by tightening or loo-
sening the adjustable
front feet (see figure);
the angle of inclination,
measured in relation to
the worktop, must not
exceed 2°.
Levelling the machine correctly will provide it with
stability, help to avoid vibrations and excessive
noise and prevent it from shifting while it is ope-
rating. If it is placed on carpet or a rug, adjust the
feet in such a way as to allow a sufficient venti-
lation space underneath the washing machine.
Connecting the electricity and wa-
ter supplies
Connecting the water inlet hose
1. Connect the supply
pipe by screwing it to
a cold water tap using
a ¾ gas threaded con-
nection (see figure).
Before performing the
connection, allow the
water to run freely until
it is perfectly clear.
2. Connect the inlet
hose to the washing
machine by screwing
it onto the correspon-
ding water inlet of the
appliance, which is si-
tuated on the top right-
hand side of the rear
part of the appliance
(see figure).
3. Make sure that the hose is not folded over
or bent.
! The water pressure at the tap must fall within
the values indicated in the Technical details table
(see next page).
! If the inlet hose is not long enough, contact a
specialised shop or an authorised technician.
! Never use second-hand hoses.
! Use the ones supplied with the machine.
Technical data
Model IWDE 7105
width 59.5 cm
height 85 cm
depth 53,5 cm
from 1 to 7 kg for the wash
from 1 to 5 kg for the drying
please refer to the technical data
plate fixed to the machine
maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)
minimum pressure 0.05 MPa
(0.5 bar)
drum capacity 58 litres
Spin speed up to 1000 rotations per minute
rated pro-
to regula-
EN 50229
Wash: programme 2; tempera-
ture 60°C; using a load of 7 kg.
Drying: select the “Cotton”
drying programme and set the
drying level to “ A4 ”, for both
loads. The first drying cycle
must be carried out with the
nominal load.
This appliance conforms to the
following EC Directives:
- EMC 2014/30/EU (Electro-
magnetic Compatibility)
- 2012/19/EU - (WEEE)
- LVD 2014/35/EU (Low Volta-
65 - 100 cm
Connecting the drain hose
Connect the drain
hose, without bending
it, to a drainage duct or
a wall drain located at a
height between 65 and
100 cm from the floor;
Alternatively, place
the drain hose over
the edge of a wa-
shbasin or bathtub,
by fastening the
guide (which
can be purchased at
the technical assi-
stance centre) to the
tap (see figure). The
free end of the hose
should not be underwater.
! We advise against the use of hose extensions;
if it is absolutely necessary, the extension must
have the same diameter as the original hose and
must not exceed 150 cm in length.
Electrical connections
Before plugging the appliance into the electricity
socket, make sure that:
•the socket is earthed and complies with all
applicable laws;
power load of the appliance as indicated in the
Technical data table (see opposite);
indicated in the Technical data table (see opposite);
washing machine. If this is not the case, repla-
ce the socket or the plug.
! The washing machine must not be installed
outdoors, even in covered areas. It is extremely
dangerous to leave the appliance exposed to
rain, storms and other weather conditions.
! When the washing machine has been installed,
the electricity socket must be within easy reach.
! Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.
! The cable should not be bent or compressed.
! The power supply cable must only be replaced
by authorised technicians.
Warning! The company shall not be held responsible
in the event that these regulations are not respected.
The first wash cycle
Once the appliance has been installed, and before
you use it for the first time, run a wash cycle with
detergent and no laundry, using the wash cycle 2.
Care and maintenance
Cutting off the water and electri-
city supplies
This will limit wear on the hydraulic system
inside the washing machine and help to pre-
vent leaks.
it and during all maintenance work.
Cleaning the washer-dryer
The outer parts and rubber components of the
appliance can be cleaned using a soft cloth
soaked in lukewarm soapy water. Do not use
solvents or abrasives.
Cleaning the detergent dispenser
Remove the dispenser
by raising it and pul-
ling it out (see figure).
Wash it under running
water; this operation
should be repeated
Caring for the door and drum of
your appliance
to prevent unpleasant odours from forming.
Cleaning the pump
The washing machine is fitted with a self-clea-
ning pump which does not require any mainte-
nance. Sometimes, small items (such as coins
or buttons) may fall into the pre-chamber which
protects the pump, situated in its bottom part.
! Make sure the wash cycle has finished and
unplug the appliance.
To access the pre-chamber:
1. using a screwdri-
ver, remove the cover
panel on the lower
front part of the wa-
shing machine (see
2. unscrew the lid
by rotating it anti-
clockwise (see figu-
re): a little water may
trickle out. This is
perfectly normal;
3. clean the inside thoroughly;
4. screw the lid back on;
5. reposition the panel, making sure the hooks
are securely in place before you push it onto
the appliance.
Checking the water inlet hose
Check the inlet hose at least once a year. If
there are any cracks, it should be replaced
immediately: during the wash cycles, water
pressure is very strong and a cracked hose
could easily split open.
! Never use second-hand hoses.
Precautions and tips
! This Washer-dryer was designed and constructed in ac-
cordance with international safety regulations. The following
information is provided for safety reasons and must therefore
be read carefully.
General safety
This appliance can be used by children
aged from 8 years and above and persons
with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and know-
ledge if they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance
in a safe way and understand the hazards
involved. Children shall not play with the
appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance
shall not be made by children without super-
- Do not dry unwashed items in the tumble
- Items that have been soiled with substan-
ces such as cooking oil, acetone, alcohol,
petrol, kerosene, spot removers, turpentine,
waxes and wax removers should be washed
in hot water with an extra amount of deter-
gent before being dried in the tumble dryer.
- Items such as foam rubber (latex foam),
shower caps, waterproof textiles, rubber
backed articles and clothes or pillows fitted
with foam rubber pads should not be dried
in the tumble dryer.
- Fabric softeners, or similar products,
should be used as specified by the fabric
softener instructions.
- The final part of a tumble dryer cycle
occurs without heat (cool down cycle) to
ensure that the items are left at a tempera-
ture that ensures that the items will not be
WARNING: Never stop a tumble dryer be-
fore the end of the drying cycle unless all
items are quickly removed and spread out
so that the heat is dissipated.
• Thisappliancewasdesignedfordomesticuseonly.
• Donottouchthemachinewhenbarefootorwithwetor
damp hands or feet.
• Donotpullonthepowersupplycablewhenunplugging
the appliance from the electricity socket. Hold the plug
and pull.
• Donotopenthedetergentdispenserdrawerwhilethe
machine is in operation.
• Donottouchthedrainedwaterasitmayreachextreme-
ly high temperatures.
• Neverforcetheportholedoor.Thiscoulddamagethe
safety lock mechanism designed to prevent accidental
• Iftheappliancebreaksdown,donotunderanycircum-
stances access the internal mechanisms in an attempt
to repair it yourself.
• Alwayskeepchildrenwellawayfromtheappliancewhile
it is operating.
• Thedoorcanbecomequitehotduringthewashcycle.
• Iftheappliancehastobemoved,workinagroupof
two or three people and handle it with the utmost care.
Never try to do this alone, because the appliance is very
• BeforeloadinglaundryintotheWasher-dryer,makesure
the drum is empty.
• Duringthedryingphase,thedoortendstogetquitehot.
• Donotusetheappliancetodryclothesthat
have been washed with flammable solvents
(e.g. trichlorethylene).
• Donotusetheappliancetodryfoamrubber
or similar elastomers.
• Makesurethatthewatertapisturnedonduringthe
drying cycles.
• Childrenoflessthan3yearsshouldbekept
away from the appliance unless continuou-
sly supervised.
• Removeallobjectsfrompocketssuchas
lighters and matches.
• Disposingofthepackagingmaterials:observelocal
regulations so that the packaging may be re-used.
• TheEuropeanDirective2012/19/EUonWasteElectrical
and Electronic Equipment, requires that old household
electrical appliances must not be disposed of in the
normal unsorted municipal waste stream. Old applian-
ces must be collected separately in order to optimise
the recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the envi-
ronment. The crossed out “wheeled bin” symbol on the
product reminds you of your obligation, that when you
dispose of the appliance it must be separately collec-
ted. Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct disposal
of their old appliance.

Właściciel serwisu: TERG S.A. Ul. Za Dworcem 1D, 77-400 Złotów; Spółka wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000427063, Kapitał zakładowy: 40 618 750 zł; NIP 767-10-04-218, REGON 570217011; numer rejestrowy BDO: 000135672. Sprzedaż dla firm (B2B): dlabiznesu@me.pl INFOLINIA: 756 756 756