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Szlifierka kątowa TRYTON TDS125A

Instrukcja obsługi Szlifierka kątowa TRYTON TDS125A

Oryginalna instrukcja obsługi SZLIFIERKA KĄTOWA .....................................................10
Operating instruction ANGLE GRINDER ............................................................... 4
Инструкция по эксплуатации
RUУГЛОВАЯ ШЛИФОВАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА ...................... 17
Instrucţiuni de folosire
RO POLIZORUL UNGHIULAR ............................................... 25
Lietošanas instrukcija
LV LEŅĶA SLĪPMAŠĪNA .......................................................32
Návod na obsluhu
CZ ÚHLOVÁ BRUSKA ........................................................... 39
HU Használati utasítások SAROKCSISZOLÓ ............................................................ 46
Naudojimo instrukcija
LT KAMPINIS ŠLIFUOKLIS ....................................................53
< 6 mm
> 6 mm
12 3
15 -30
o o
30 -40
Original text translation
Keep this document for future reference.
WARNING! Read all safety warnings marked with a
symbol and all operating safety instructions.
To limit the risk of fire, electric shock and injury while using the device,
follow all operating safety instructions and tips provided below.
Keep all work safety instructions and tips for future reference.
In warnings provided herein the expression “power tool” means a power tool
powered from the mains (with a power cord) or a battery powered power tool
WARNING! General work safety warnings for use of the
Workplace safety:
a) Keep your workplace tidy and well lit. Untidiness and bad lighting
result in higher accident rate.
b) Do not use the power tool in explosive environments, created by
flammable liquids, gases or dusts. The power tool generates sparks
that can ignite dust or vapors.
c) Keep children and unauthorized persons away from the place
where the power tools are used. Inattention may result in losing
control over your power tool.
WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of
power tools.
Electric safety:
a) Plugs used in power tools must match wall outlets. Never
modify the plug of your power tool. Do not use any extension
cables when operating a power tool with a grounding/earthing
conductor (PE). Any modifications of plugs and outlets increase the risk
of electric shock.
b) Avoid touching earthed surfaces or grounded items like pipes,
heaters, central heating radiators and refrigerators. Touching
earthed or grounded surfaces increases the risk of electric shock.
c) Do not expose your power tool to rain or damp environments.
Water penetrating the tool increases the risk of electric shock. WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of
d) Do not damage the power cord. Never use the power cord to power tools.
carry, pull the power tool and do not pull by its power cord to Use and taking care of your power tool:
disconnect plug from the outlet. Keep the power cord away a) Do not overload your power tool. Use a power tool with power
from sources of heat, oils, sharp edges and moving parts. adjusted to work being done. An appropriately chosen power tool
Damaged or entangled power cords increase the risk of electric shock. will allow you to work better and safer under load it has been designed for.
e) When your power tool is operated outdoors use extension cords b) Do not use a power tool when its power switch is out of order (it
intended for outdoor use only. Using an extension cable intended for does not switch it on or off). Any power tool with its power switch out
outdoor use decreases the risk of electric shock. of order is dangerous and must be repaired.
f) It is recommended to connect the device to a mains supply c) Always disconnect the plug from the power source and/or
equipped with a residual current device (RCD) with a rated disconnect its battery before changing any settings,
current of 30 mA or less. performing replacement or storage. Such preventive measures
g) When it is unavoidable to use your power tool in a damp reduce the risk of accidental power tool start up.
environment use an RCD (Residual Current Device) for
protection. The use of RCDs decreases the risk of electric shock.
WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of
power tools. e) Power tools require maintenance. Check power tools for
Personal safety:concentricity or jamming of moving parts, any cracks and all
a) This equipment is not intended for use by persons (including
children) disabled physically , mentally, sensorial or persons
with no experience and knowledge in operating the
equipment unless they operate the equipment under
supervision or follow user's instructions provided by persons
responsible for their safety.
b) It is necessary to predict steps, watch and keep common sense
when using power tools. Do not operate power tools when you
are tired, under influence of drugs, medicine or alcohol. A
moment of inattention while operating a power tool may result in serious
personal injury.
c) Use personal protective equipment (PPE). Always wear safety
goggles. Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) including a dust
mask, anti-slippery footwear, a helmet and ear protection reduces
personal injury.
d) Avoid unexpected start up. Before connecting your power tool
to the mains and/or inserting a battery make sure its power
switch is in off position. Carrying your power tool with a finger on its
power switch or without disconnecting it from the mains (switched on)
may result in an accident.
e) Before starting your power tool remove any keys/wrenches.
Leaving a key/wrench in the rotating part of your power tool may result in
personal injury.
f) Do not lean forward too far. Always remain stable and maintain
balance. It will allow you to have a better control over your power tool in
unpredictable situations.
g) Wear appropriate clothing. Do not wear loose clothes or
jewelry. Keep your hair tied. Keep your clothes away from
moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry or long hair may be caught by
moving parts.
h) If your power tool allows for using an external dust extraction
or collection system, make sure it is connected and used
properly. Using dust collectors may reduce dust affected risks.
i) Do not let your skills gained through the frequent use of the
power tool make you overconfident and disregard safety rules.
Carelessness may cause injury in a fraction of a second .
d) Keep your power tool out of reach of children and do not allow
unauthorized persons to use the power tool. Power tools in hands
of untrained persons can be dangerous.
other factors affecting the power tool work safety. If any maximum speed marked on the power tool. Accessories running
faster than their rated speed can break and fly apart.
damage to the power tool is detected, it should be repaired
before use. Improper power tool maintenance is a reason for many d)The outside diameter and the thickness of your accessory
accidents. must be within the capacity rating of your power tool.
Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be adequately guarded or
f) Cutting tools should be sharp and clean. Keeping sharp cutting
edges in good condition reduces the risk of jamming and facilitates
operation. e)The arbour size of wheels, flanges, backing pads or any other
accessory must properly fit the spindle of the power tool.
g) Power tools, equipment, working tools etc. should be used
Accessories with arbour holes that do not match the mounting
according to this user's manual taking into account operating
hardware of the power tool will run out of balance, vibrate excessively
conditions and the work to be done. Misusing a power tool can and may cause loss of control.
result in dangerous situations.
f)Do not use a damaged accessory. Before each use inspect the
h) At low temperatures and after a long brakes in operation it is accessory such as abrasive wheels for chips and cracks,
recommended to turn the power tool to operate it with no backing pad for cracks, tear or excess wear, wire brush for
load for a few minutes to provide proper grease distribution loose or cracked wires. If power tool or accessory is dropped,
inside its driving mechanism. inspect for damage or install an undamaged accessory. After
i) Use soft, damp (cannot be wet) cloth and soap to clean power inspecting and installing an accessory, position yourself and
tools. Do not use petrol, solvents and other agents that may bystanders away from the plane of the rotating accessory and
damage your equipment.run the power tool at maximum no-load speed for one
j) Power tools can be stored/carried after making sure that all minute. Damaged accessories will normally break apart during this
moving components are locked and protected against release test time.
with original devices intended for this purpose. g)Wear personal protective equipment. Depending on
k) Store power tools in a dry, dust and water-protected place. application, use face shield, safety goggles or safety glasses.
l) Carry your power tool in its original packaging to provide As appropriate, wear dust mask, hearing protectors, gloves
protection against mechanical damage. and workshop apron capable of stopping small abrasive or
m) Keep handles and grip surfaces clean and free from oil and workpiece fragments. The eye protection must be capable of
grease. Secure grip and control over the tool in unexpected stopping flying debris generated by various operations . The dust mask
circumstances are impossible if handles and grip surfaces are slippery. or respirator must be capable of filtrating particles generated by your
operation. Prolonged exposure to high intensity noise may cause
WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of hearing loss.
power tools.
h)Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work area.
Repair:Anyone entering the work area must wear personal
protective equipment. Fragments of workpiece or of a broken
accessory may fly away and cause injury beyond immediate area of
i)Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces only, when
performing an operation where the cutting accessory may
contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory
contacting a "live" wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool
"live" and shock the operator.
j)Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. If you lose
control, the cord may be cut or snagged and your hand or arm may be
ANGLE GRINDER pulled into the spinning accessory.
Safety Warnings Common for Grinding, Sanding, k)Never lay the power tool down until the accessory has come to
Wire Brushing, Polishing or Abrasive Cutting-Off a complete stop. The spinning accessory may grab the surface and
Operations: pull the power tool out of your control.
a) This power tool is intended to function as a grinder, sander, l)Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your side.
wire brush, polisher or cut-off tool. Read all safety warnings, Accidental contact with the spinning accessory could snag your clothing,
instructions, illustrations and specifications provided with pulling the accessory into your body.
this power tool. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may m)Regularly clean the power tool's air vents. The motor's fan will
result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. draw the dust inside the housing and excessive accumulation of
powdered metal may cause electrical hazards.
b)Do not use accessories which are not specifically designed and
recommended by the tool manufacturer. Just because the n)Do not operate the power tool near flammable materials.
accessory can be attached to your power tool, it does not assure safe Sparks could ignite these materials.
operation. o)Do not use accessories that require liquid coolants. Using water
c)The rated speed of the accessory must be at least equal to the or other liquid coolants may result in electrocution or shock.
b) If a fixed power cord is damaged, to avoid risks it should be
replaced by power tool manufacturer or in a specialty repair
shop or by a qualified person.
While operating power tools it is necessary to observe basic
work safety rules to avoid fire, electric shock or mechanical
Warranty and post-warranty repairs of its power tools are
carried out by PROFIX Service, which guarantees the best
quality or repair and use of genuine spare parts.

Właściciel serwisu: TERG S.A. Ul. Za Dworcem 1D, 77-400 Złotów; Spółka wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000427063, Kapitał zakładowy: 40 618 750 zł; NIP 767-10-04-218, REGON 570217011; numer rejestrowy BDO: 000135672. Sprzedaż dla firm (B2B): dlabiznesu@me.pl INFOLINIA: 756 756 756