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Rower magnetyczny YORK FITNESS C415

Instrukcja obsługi Rower magnetyczny YORK FITNESS C415

OR www.yorkfitness.pl 1
Safety information
Please read this instruction manual beforeyou begin
assembly. Great carehas been taken to design these
instructions and following them will help you with
quicker assembly and minimize the risk of injury.
It is important that you keep these instructions for
future reference.
This list is not exhaustive -You are responsible for your
own safety!
Always assemble and operate the equipment on a
level surface.
Ensure the equipment is stable beforeuse.
Always ensure that the equipment has adequate
space on each side.
The safety level of this equipment can only be
maintained if it is regularly examined for wear and
Replace defective components immediately and keep
the equipment out of use until itis repaired.
Use only the adjustment setting as described in the
instructions. Always usethe correct adjustment
Always check that any pins / fixings aretight and
secure before use and after adjustment.
Never leave any adjustment devices projecting from
the equipment.
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any
exercise program.
Always wear suitable clothing and footwear. (e.g.
tracksuit / shorts / training shoes)
Remove all personal jewelry beforeexercising.
Ensureyou warm-up well before using the equipment
as this will help to prevent muscle strain.
After eating, allow 1-2 hours before exercising as this
will help to prevent muscle strain.
Never overload the equipment. (See maximum user
Never use the equipment in any other manner other
than the ways explained in these instructions and any
wall-chart supplied.
Injuries tohealth may result from incorrect or
excessive training.
Parents and others in charge of children shouldbe
aware of their responsibility, because the natural play
instinct and the fondness of experimenting of children
can lead to situations and behavior for which the
training equipment is not intended.
The equipment is under no circumstances suitable as
a children’s toy.
If children are allowed to use the equipment, their
mental and physical development and above all their
temperament shouldbe taken into account. They
shouldbe controlled and instructed in the correct use
of the equipment.
Children shouldnot be allowed on or around the
equipment, especially when it is not in use.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they havebeen given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
This product is not suitablefor therapeutic purposes.
This product has been tested for use in a home
environment and is warranted for In Home, personal,
family or householduse.
Due to our continuous policy of product development,
York Fitness reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.
CAUTION! The instructions must be followed carefully
in the assembly, use and maintenance of your
equipment. The warranty does not cover damage
due to negligenceof the assembly, adjustment and
maintenanceinstructions described herein.
Safety Standards
This equipment meets the requirements of theEU’s
EMC and Low Voltage directives (where applicable),
EN957 1 & 7 - CLASS HC. Therefore the equipment
carries the following marks:
Maximum user weight: 120kg
Podręcznik użytkownika
Rower pionowy
Safety information
Please read this instruction manual beforeyou begin
assembly. Great carehas been taken to design these
instructions and following them will help you with
quicker assembly and minimize the risk of injury.
It is important that you keep these instructions for
future reference.
This list is not exhaustive -You are responsible for your
own safety!
Always assemble and operate the equipment on a
level surface.
Ensure the equipment is stable beforeuse.
Always ensure that the equipment has adequate
space on each side.
The safety level of this equipment can only be
maintained if it is regularly examined for wear and
Replace defectivecomponents immediately and keep
the equipment out of use until itis repaired.
Use only the adjustment setting as described in the
instructions. Always usethe correct adjustment
Always check that any pins / fixings aretight and
secure before use and after adjustment.
Never leave any adjustment devices projecting from
the equipment.
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any
exercise program.
Always wear suitable clothing and footwear. (e.g.
tracksuit / shorts / training shoes)
Remove all personal jewelry beforeexercising.
Ensureyou warm-up well before using the equipment
as this will help to prevent muscle strain.
After eating, allow 1-2 hours before exercising as this
will help to prevent muscle strain.
Never overload the equipment. (See maximum user
Never use the equipment in any other manner other
than the ways explained in these instructions and any
wall-chart supplied.
Injuries tohealth may result from incorrect or
excessive training.
Parents and others in charge of children shouldbe
aware of their responsibility, because the natural play
instinct and the fondness of experimenting of children
can lead to situations and behavior for which the
training equipment is not intended.
The equipment is under no circumstances suitable as
a children’s toy.
If children are allowed to use the equipment, their
mental and physical development and above all their
temperament shouldbe taken into account. They
shouldbe controlled and instructed in the correct use
of the equipment.
Children shouldnot be allowed on or around the
equipment, especially when it is not in use.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they havebeen given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
This product is not suitablefor therapeutic purposes.
This product has been tested for use in a home
environment and is warranted for In Home, personal,
family or householduse.
Due to our continuous policy of product development,
York Fitness reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.
CAUTION! The instructions must be followed carefully
in the assembly, use and maintenance of your
equipment. The warranty does not cover damage
due to negligenceof the assembly, adjustment and
maintenanceinstructions described herein.
Safety Standards
This equipment meets the requirements of theEU’s
EMC and Low Voltage directives (where applicable),
EN957 1 & 7 - CLASS HC. Therefore the equipment
carries the following marks:
Maximum user weight: 120kg
Informacje dotyczące
bezpieczeństwa 03
Obsługa klientów 04
Instrukcja montażu 05
obsługi komputera 12
Wskazówki obsługi 19
Wskazówki fitness 22
Rysunek szczegółowy 23
Wykaz części 24
Table of contents
Congratulations on
purchasing your exercise
equipment from
Safety information 03
Customer support 04
Assembly instructions 05
Exploded Diagram 07
Parts List 08
You have chosen a high quality, safe and innovative
piece of equipment as your training partner and we
are certain it will keep you motivated on the way to
achieving your personal fitness goals.
Please take the time to read this owner’s manual as it
will help you to get the most out of your new exercise
For moreinformation visit www.yorkfitness.com.au
Assembly Steps 10
Console Instructions 15
Protect the environment by not disposing
of this product or batteries with household
waste. Check your local authority for
recycling advice and facilities.
Warranty 17
Symbol przekreślonego kosza oznacza zakaz wyrzucania produktu razem z odpadami komunalnymi. Wtrosce
ośrodowisko naturalne produkt należy przekazać wyłącznie podmiotom zajmującym się odbiorem zużytego
sprzętu elektronicznego i elektrycznego. Wykazy podmiotów uprawnionych
doodbioru zużytego sprzętu znajdują się na stronach internetowych gmin. Niektóre składniki urządzenia takie jak
okablowanie zewnętrzne, płytki drukowane i wyświetlacze ciekłokrystaliczne mają ujemny wpływ naśrodowisko
Spis treści
Gratulujemy zakupu
produktu firmy
Wybrali Państwo urządzenie o wysokiej jakości,
bezpieczne i nowoczesne, którepomoże Wam osiągnąć
pożądaną sprawność fizyczną.
Prosimy o zapoznanie się z instrukcją, copozwoli
Państwu efektywnie korzystać zurządzenia.
Więcej informacji znajdziecie Państwo nastronie
2www.yorkfitness.pl 3
Please read this instruction manual beforeyou begin
assembly. Great carehas been taken to design these
instructions and following them will help you with
quicker assembly and minimize the risk of injury.
It is important that you keep these instructions for
future reference.
This list is not exhaustive -You are responsible for your
own safety!
Always assemble and operate the equipment on a
level surface.
Ensure the equipment is stable beforeuse.
Always ensure that the equipment has adequate
space on each side.
The safety level of this equipment can only be
maintained if it is regularly examined for wear and
Replace defectivecomponents immediately and keep
the equipment out of use until itis repaired.
Use only the adjustment setting as described in the
instructions. Always usethe correct adjustment
Always check that any pins / fixings aretight and
secure before use and after adjustment.
Never leave any adjustment devices projecting from
the equipment.
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any
exercise program.
Always wear suitable clothing and footwear. (e.g.
tracksuit / shorts / training shoes)
Remove all personal jewelry beforeexercising.
Ensureyou warm-up well before using the equipment
as this will help to prevent muscle strain.
After eating, allow 1-2 hours before exercising as this
will help to prevent muscle strain.
Never overload the equipment. (See maximum user
Never use the equipment in any other manner other
than the ways explained in these instructions and any
wall-chart supplied.
Injuries tohealth may result from incorrect or
excessive training.
Parents and others in charge of children shouldbe
aware of their responsibility, because the natural play
instinct and the fondness of experimenting of children
can lead to situations and behavior for which the
training equipment is not intended.
The equipment is under no circumstances suitable as
a children’s toy.
If children are allowed to use the equipment, their
mental and physical development and above all their
temperament shouldbe taken into account. They
shouldbe controlled and instructed in the correct use
of the equipment.
Children shouldnot be allowed on or around the
equipment, especially when it is not in use.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they havebeen given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
This product is not suitablefor therapeutic purposes.
This product has been tested for use in a home
environment and is warranted for In Home, personal,
family or householduse.
Due to our continuous policy of product development,
York Fitness reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.
CAUTION! The instructions must be followed carefully
in the assembly, use and maintenance of your
equipment. The warranty does not cover damage
due to negligenceof the assembly, adjustment and
maintenanceinstructions described herein.
This equipment meets the requirements of theEU’s
EMC and Low Voltage directives (where applicable),
EN957 1 & 7 - CLASS HC. Therefore the equipment
carries the following marks:
Maximum user weight: 120kg
Informacje dotyczące
Przed rozpoczęciem montażu prosimy o zapoznanie się
z podręcznikiem użytkownika. Podręcznik opracowano
znajwyższą starannością. Przestrzeganie zaleceń
zawartych w nim pozwoli na ograniczenie ryzyka kontuzji.
Niniejszą instrukcję należy chronić przed zniszczeniem.
Jesteś odpowiedzialny za własne bezpieczeństwo
–poniższe informacje nie opisują wszystkich możliwych
zagrożeń mogących pojawić się w trakcie eksploatacji
Zawsze składaj i eksploatuj urządzenie na poziomym
irównym podłożu.
Przed przystąpieniem do ćwiczeń sprawdź stabilność
Zachowaj odstęp wokół urządzenia 60 cm po bokach
i2m z tyłu.
Sprawdź poprawne ustawienie wysokości siedziska.
Siodełko powinno zapewniać stabilną i zrównoważoną
pozycję w trakcie treningu.
Ustaw wysokość siodełka tak, aby zapewnić sobie
wygodne naciskanie pedału bez utraty równowagi.
W trakcie ćwiczenia, szczególnie przez dłuższy czas,
starajsię mieć plecy wyprostowane.
Celem zapewnienia maksymalnego bezpieczeństwa
eksploatacji urządzenia należy je regularnie sprawdzać
pod kątem zużycia elementów.
Jeśli istnieją jakiekolwiek wątpliwości, należy wymienić
podejrzane części na nowe, oryginalne.
W trakcie korzystania z urządzenia należy stosować
ustawienia opisane w podręczniku. Zawsze należy
używać właściwych elementów regulujących/
Niektóre z części urządzenia (np. tapicerka, gąbki,
łożyska) zalicza się do elementów eksploatacyjnych,
któreulegają naturalnemu zużyciu w stopniu
wynikającym zintensywności użytkowania.
Przed użyciem i/lub po dokonaniu regulacji należy
sprawdzić dokręcenie i zabezpieczenie wszystkich
W celu uniknięcia ryzyka zranienia nie wolno
pozostawiać urządzeń regulujących w takim położeniu,
aby wystawał jakikolwiek ich element.
Przed rozpoczęciem ćwiczeń obowiązkowo udaj się
nawizytę do lekarza specjalisty celem uzyskania zgody
nawykonywanie tego rodzaju wysiłku.
Ćwicz w odpowiednim, sportowym stroju.
Przed przystąpieniem do ćwiczeń zdejmij biżuterię.
Celem zapobieżenia kontuzji przed przystąpieniem
doćwiczeń przeprowadź rozgrzewkę.
Celem zapobieżenia kontuzji nie ćwicz od 1 do 2 godzin
po posiłku.
Nie dopuszczaj do przeciążenia urządzenia
–maksymalna waga użytkownika jest podana na
tabliczce informacyjnej produktu.
Nie należy używać urządzenia do innych celów
niżpodane w niniejszym podręczniku i/lub
wdostarczanych tablicach informacyjnych.
Niewłaściwie przeprowadzony trening, zbyt duże
obciążenia treningowe, prowadzą do groźnych
wskutkach urazów.
Nie należy używać urządzenia do innych celów
niżpodane w niniejszym podręczniku i/lub
wdostarczanych tablicach informacyjnych.
Niniejsze urządzenie nie może być traktowane
Urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone dla osób
oograniczonych zdolnościach fizycznych, czuciowych
Takieosoby muszą podczas korzystania z urządzenia
znajdować się pod opieką i zostać przeszkolone
przezosoby odpowiedzialne za ich bezpieczeństwo.
Urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone do celów
Niniejszy produkt został wyposażony w niezależny
system hamulców działający na zasadzie oporu
Niniejsze urządzenie zostało przetestowane i jest
przeznaczone do użytku domowego, osobistego.
Uznanie roszczeń konsumenta może być uzależnione
odużytkowania zgodnego z przeznaczeniem.
Ze względu na nieustanny rozwój produktu firma
YorkFitness zastrzega sobie prawo zmian specyfikacji
bezuprzedniego powiadomienia.
OSTRZEŻENIE! Podczas montażu, eksploatacji
i konserwacji urządzenia należy przestrzegać
poniższych wskazówek. Gwarancja nie obejmuje szkód
spowodowanych nieprzestrzeganiem niniejszych
wskazówek montażu, regulacji i konserwacji.
Maksymalna waga Użytkownika: 150 kg
Zgodność z normami bezpieczeństwa
Niniejsze urządzenie jest zgodne z europejskimi normami
dot. kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej i niskiego
cia - EN957 1 i 5 Klasa HA. Dlatego na produkcie
znajdują się następujące oznaczenia.
Dane techniczne
1. Waga urządzenia: 28,5 kg
2. Ogólna powierzchnia urządzenia (dł. x szer.):
96 x 48 cm
Please read this instruction manual beforeyou begin
assembly. Great carehas been taken to design these
instructions and following them will help you with
quicker assembly and minimize the risk of injury.
It is important that you keep these instructions for
future reference.
This list is not exhaustive -You are responsible for your
own safety!
Always assemble and operate the equipment on a
level surface.
Ensure the equipment is stable beforeuse.
Always ensure that the equipment has adequate
space on each side.
The safety level of this equipment can only be
maintained if it is regularly examined for wear and
Replace defectivecomponents immediately and keep
the equipment out of use until itis repaired.
Use only the adjustment setting as described in the
instructions. Always usethe correct adjustment
Always check that any pins / fixings aretight and
secure before use and after adjustment.
Never leave any adjustment devices projecting from
the equipment.
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any
exercise program.
Always wear suitable clothing and footwear. (e.g.
tracksuit / shorts / training shoes)
Remove all personal jewelry beforeexercising.
Ensureyou warm-up well before using the equipment
as this will help to prevent muscle strain.
After eating, allow 1-2 hours before exercising as this
will help to prevent muscle strain.
Never overload the equipment. (See maximum user
Never use the equipment in any other manner other
than the ways explained in these instructions and any
wall-chart supplied.
Injuries tohealth may result from incorrect or
excessive training.
Parents and others in charge of children shouldbe
aware of their responsibility, because the natural play
instinct and the fondness of experimenting of children
can lead to situations and behavior for which the
training equipment is not intended.
The equipment is under no circumstances suitable as
a children’s toy.
If children are allowed to use the equipment, their
mental and physical development and above all their
temperament shouldbe taken into account. They
shouldbe controlled and instructed in the correct use
of the equipment.
Children shouldnot be allowed on or around the
equipment, especially when it is not in use.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they havebeen given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
This product is not suitablefor therapeutic purposes.
This product has been tested for use in a home
environment and is warranted for In Home, personal,
family or householduse.
Due to our continuous policy of product development,
York Fitness reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.
CAUTION! The instructions must be followed carefully
in the assembly, use and maintenance of your
equipment. The warranty does not cover damage
due to negligenceof the assembly, adjustment and
maintenanceinstructions described herein.
This equipment meets the requirements of theEU’s
EMC and Low Voltage directives (where applicable),
EN957 1 & 7 - CLASS HC. Therefore the equipment
carries the following marks:
Maximum user weight: 120kg
Obsługa klientów
W razie jakichkolwiek pytań dotyczących urządzenia przed skontaktowaniem się ze sprzedawcą
należyzebrać poniższe informacje:
Numer seryjny.
Data pierwszego zakupu urządzenia.
Miejsce zakupu.
Informacje na temat miejsca i warunków eksploatacji.
Szczegółowy opis zagadnienia/uszkodzenia.
WAŻNE! – Prosimy o zachowanie dowodu zakupu. Jest on wymagany dla potwierdzenia ważności gwarancji.
Okres gwarancyjny rozpoczyna się od daty wskazanej na dowodzie zakupu.
Zaleca się pozostawienie oryginalnego opakowania, co zapewni bezpieczny transport urządzenia
wrazie konieczności korzystania z usług serwisu.
Niniejsza etykieta ma charakter wyłącznie
informacyjny i może różnić się od etykiety
znajdującej się na zakupionym urządzeniu.
Nazwa urządzenia
4www.yorkfitness.pl 5
Safety information
Please read this instruction manual beforeyou begin
assembly. Great carehas been taken to design these
instructions and following them will help you with
quicker assembly and minimize the risk of injury.
It is important that you keep these instructions for
future reference.
This list is not exhaustive -You are responsible for your
own safety!
Always assemble and operate the equipment on a
level surface.
Ensure the equipment is stable beforeuse.
Always ensure that the equipment has adequate
space on each side.
The safety level of this equipment can only be
maintained if it is regularly examined for wear and
Replace defectivecomponents immediately and keep
the equipment out of use until itis repaired.
Use only the adjustment setting as described in the
instructions. Always usethe correct adjustment
Always check that any pins / fixings aretight and
secure before use and after adjustment.
Never leave any adjustment devices projecting from
the equipment.
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any
exercise program.
Always wear suitable clothing and footwear. (e.g.
tracksuit / shorts / training shoes)
Remove all personal jewelry beforeexercising.
Ensureyou warm-up well before using the equipment
as this will help to prevent muscle strain.
After eating, allow 1-2 hours before exercising as this
will help to prevent muscle strain.
Never overload the equipment. (See maximum user
Never use the equipment in any other manner other
than the ways explained in these instructions and any
wall-chart supplied.
Injuries tohealth may result from incorrect or
excessive training.
Parents and others in charge of children shouldbe
aware of their responsibility, because the natural play
instinct and the fondness of experimenting of children
can lead to situations and behavior for which the
training equipment is not intended.
The equipment is under no circumstances suitable as
a children’s toy.
If children are allowed to use the equipment, their
mental and physical development and above all their
temperament shouldbe taken into account. They
shouldbe controlled and instructed in the correct use
of the equipment.
Children shouldnot be allowed on or around the
equipment, especially when it is not in use.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they havebeen given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
This product is not suitablefor therapeutic purposes.
This product has been tested for use in a home
environment and is warranted for In Home, personal,
family or householduse.
Due to our continuous policy of product development,
York Fitness reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.
CAUTION! The instructions must be followed carefully
in the assembly, use and maintenance of your
equipment. The warranty does not cover damage
due to negligenceof the assembly, adjustment and
maintenanceinstructions described herein.
Safety Standards
This equipment meets the requirements of theEU’s
EMC and Low Voltage directives (where applicable),
EN957 1 & 7 - CLASS HC. Therefore the equipment
carries the following marks:
Maximum user weight: 120kg
Instrukcja montażu
Przygotuj odpowiednie miejsce pracy - Urządzenie należy składać w czystym pomieszczeniu.
Poproś o pomoc - Zaleca się składać urządzenie z pomocą drugiej osoby, ponieważ niektóre elementy są ciężkie.
Otwórz opakowanie - Przed otwarciem sprawdź oznaczenia ostrzegawcze i upewnij się, że otwierasz je we właściwej
Wypakuj części z opakowania
Sprawdź, czy znajdują się w nim następujące elementy:
Nr 88 Podkładka sprężynują-
ca Ø 8 x Ø 14 x gł. (1 szt.)
Nr 89 Podkładka
Ø 8 x gł. 1 (1 szt.) Nr 85 Podkładka płaska Ø 8 x Ø 19 x gł. 2 (4 szt.)
Nr 83 Śruba pod klucz ampulowy M8 x 1,25 x dł. 75 (4 szt.)
Nr 84 Podkładka sprężysta
Ø 8,1 x Ø 12,3 x gł. 1,8 (4 szt.)
Nr 92 Wkrętak (1 szt.)
Nr 87 Pokrętło T M8 x Dł. 69 ( 1 szt.)
Nr 90 Klucz nasadowy (1 szt.)
Nr 91 Klucz imbusowy (1 szt.)

Właściciel serwisu: TERG S.A. Ul. Za Dworcem 1D, 77-400 Złotów; Spółka wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000427063, Kapitał zakładowy: 40 618 750 zł; NIP 767-10-04-218, REGON 570217011; numer rejestrowy BDO: 000135672. Sprzedaż dla firm (B2B): dlabiznesu@me.pl INFOLINIA: 756 756 756